Ithre's identity is contained in this sentence. Few words to describe a company believes that progress and development can not be separated from respect for the environment,in any acting field. We work in the field of energy saving with this philosophy,we are sure that combining care for the environment and economic benefits represent the only path towards a healty and vital economy. Our aim is to provide a reference point for those who want to start a process of optimization of their energy consumption.Thanks to a highly qualified team of professionals and close collaboration with accademics,we are able to see the client in every step of the process,from analyzing requirements to the implementation of intervention. At this last stege we attach great importance to the use of renewable energy sources. The intention is to trascend the traditional supplier-custumer relationship to open to a partnership approach: to proceed together towards a common aim, with the widest satisfaction of all involved parties. We are also engaged in important social initatives with the creation of awareness campaign in the area, the organitation of events on environmentals issues and the development of training projects.


Energy today represents a key factor in the daily managment of companies and families. Infact, energy costs significantly affect the individual budjet. At the same time, the focus on environmental issues and energy conservation becomes essential values on with to base their own choices and behaviours. Ithre offers consulting services to meet the need savings and environmental sustainability. The aim is to provide our customers with knowledge and skills to assist them in a process of improvement and sustainable economic development.